Minimum Attendance necessary for Annual Examination is 75% including attendance in previous school if the student has been admitted on transfer. Winter class attendance for X and XII must be 90%.
Half day leave is not allowed except sick leave and emergency leave. In that case parents will have to submit an application forwarded by the class teacher at least half an hour before break time.
Proper leave slip is required in advance for 1, 2 or 3 days leave. In case students absent themselves form school without any intimation and attends class later, it is the parent’s responsibility to send an application the very next day progress report card.
The affairs of the school shall be conducted so as to promote self discipline, leading to decent and orderly behavior. This will maintain a high moral tone in the institution and build up traditions that all good public schools cherish.
The observance of rules of discipline and good behavior shall be pre-condition for a student’s continuance in the school.
Any student who is absent without leave shall pay a fine Rs. 10/- per day during which he/she is absent. The name of the student who is absent without leave for six consecutive school days, or is continuously on sick leave for three calender months shall be struck off the rolls and may be re-admitted with the payment of a fresh re-admission fee and fine for absence from the school should not be realised for the holidays that may intervene the days of absence.
Leave of absence can be granted to ”a” student on genuine grounds only, that too, with a written request received from the parents. Leave applied on medical grounds must be supported with a medical certificate.
Minimum 75% attendance is compulsory for a student to be promoted to the next class.